Many of my arguments with others about “God” (or gods in general) stumble sooner or later upon the issue of an “incomprehensible entity”. This phase of the argument may have several flavors. Sometimes, the mythological god is described as an entity we cannot see and feel. Other times it is portrayed as something that is beyond our limitations to perceive. There are also times when it is presented as something whose research is beyond the limitations of physics.
Yet at the same time, my fellow arguer insists that God’s existence is proven. He or she typically comes up with “evidence” that includes this God’s discussions with our ancestors, or other artifacts presumably associated with the divine being.
Hmmm. So on one side you have an entity we cannot research using regular scientific tools, but on the other side you have so-called “proofs” of things it did.
Let me ask you: How do you know electrons exist? Has someone ever seen an actual electron? The simple answer is of course that we’ve seen many many results and artifacts, which altogether point to the existence of electrons as we know them, including all their characteristics. Furthermore, it’s pretty clear that a full understanding of electrons is beyond our human perception… Can you easily perceive an entity with no clear shape, no “texture” and no absolute location?
In spite of the apparent similarity, there is a big difference between electrons and “God” and that is: All our modern scientific theories and conclusions include the existence of electrons and none include the existence of God. As far as science is concerned, our universe was formed with no help of any god whatsoever, and no god is missing from the equations.