Baby Moses, as you all know, was saved from a bitter end – by being put in the famous ark. Other Hebrew babies were not so lucky, which tells us that all other Hebrew babies born in Egypt after Moses were… murdered.
Moses, as you all know, walked 40 years in the desert, and then he died — at the age of 120 — just before his people entered the Promised Land. Hence he left Egypt when he was 80 years old. The rest of the Israelites must have been older, as the younger ones — we now know — were murdered as babies.
The “generation of the wilderness” — those who left Egypt — died in the desert, except for a few individuals. This is what the religious sources tell us. Yet, a whole big nation, consisting of 12 big tribes, reached the Promised Land. So, they must have been the descendants of those who left Egypt.
Conclusion: 600,000 horny old men at the age of 80+ left Egypt.